hip hip hooray!!!!!!!
so usually i would be so freaking excited for this day to come except i am kinda not. Once finals are over this semester, the real race begins. I have to start studying for boards. yikes. and i'm feeling so overwhelmed because i don't know where to begin!! i guess page 1 of my board books. scarey. So today was ok, i finished a 1B and my afternoon pt. has not shown up yet. BOO. So wish me luck with my studies over christmas break, i am going to need it.:(
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
class III baby
So today a class III landed in my chair, yeehaw, love when things start to work out right in the nick of time:) I was able to get 2 quads done and I was able to do anesthesia so it was a great day. I just need the III's to keep a comin.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
boo hoo!!!
What the freak! So my class III pt. shows up on tues. for some reason and her appt. wasn't till today, so Solomen tells her that and she says she'll be there probably 10min. late but she'd be there. TOday comes along and 8:40 still no Concepcion. Give her a call and she plays stupid. "I had no idea I had an appt. today" oh really? Cause you were just here tues. and we confirmed with you. She's all "well i guess i can come today but i can't pay" ok see ya later, i already paid $10 for your xrays last time and i'm not giong to keep paying for you so no nevermind, so, the search for a III is back on. BOOOOOO! This makes me soooooooooooo mad!!!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
another day down
Today was the beloved VA. My morning pt. was an old man who told me that he wanted me to stop putting my damn tools under his gums. Hmmm.....how am i to clean your 5mm pockets? Wow. And he told the Dentist that it would by his next birthday by the time I got him done. Thanks grandpa maybe if I wasn't wrestling with your tongue and lip the whole time this might speed up things a bit. But I got him done and he was 2 Qds of a III so that was good. And my afternoon pt. was great. I love when you get good pt.'s. He was a IV so i am still in need of 6 quads of a III, wish me luck
Thursday, October 29, 2009
So today I finished victor, my class IV VICTORY, VICTORY!!!!!!!!! I was able to give 4 injections and pass off 3 p.e's and this afternoon I finished my mockboard, passed off 3 p.e.'s on her and did 2 sealants so today was a very productive day, yet, I am still worried about my class III. So far i haven't seen any, and to be honest, if i don't get one and the VA chances are i won't cause i am booked till the end of the semester and not thinkin any of them will be III's BOOO THIS SUCKS
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oct. 27
Today I had VA, lucky me, my first pt. was a 1B (good thing I drove down here in the snow for that great qualification) and my afternoon pt. pulled a no show. BOO. Anyways, my first pt. I don't think my first pt. knew what a toothbrush was, his plaque was out of control but had ZERO CALCULUS!! How does that happen? Lucky fellow I guess. But his gums were very angry to say the least and it still took me an hour to clean him up. And the bleeding was worse than the plaque so I couldn't see a thing and I went through a pack of 2x2's but he was a very nice guy, easy to talk to and the time went fast.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Good day
I saw another 1A, which I didn't need the quads but i had forgotten to do an eaglesoft so that worked good. She had a PFI of 0% so I spent a lot of time on OHI with her and her mom. Then in the afternoon i saw my mockboard and i cleaned the other half of her mouth and it went well:)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
VA vent

K, I gotta be honest. I absolutely HATE the V.A. I try to like it, and just change my attitude but I just DREAD it. Gosh I just feel like this is MY education, and I am doing this for FREE so maybe you would treat us with a tiny spec of respect. I keep getting told up there that "this is not a learning facility," Really? Cause I could of sworn I was paying money for this and I could've sworn the whole point of going to the VA was to get practice; On to the computer system. What?????????? I think I finally got a hang of it, now that half the semester is over, but I was like so worried about screwing up the computer system I couldn't get as much cleaning done as I should have cause I was so pre-occupied with entering crap into the computer, then It would magically disappear, so i would have to go back in and re-enter, p.s. if there is something that has zero correlation to my boards, I'd rather not waste my time stressing and worrying about it. Ok, now that is out of my system, I am going to change my attitude and the next time you hear from me, I will LOVE the VA.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Yay for me! finally
So today was a good day. It could have been a BIG problem but it ended up good:). I had a pt. call in and cancel his appt. the night before so i turned to my list I made at the women's health connection and the first 2 people didn't answer,so the 3rd person I called answered and said she would be there in the morning. Yay. So, she showed up and ended up qualifying for the mockboard...YAY!! Love when you strike good luck:) So i didn't clean her, i just took xrays and went over OHI she has never had a cleaning in her life so alot of what i told her was brand new news to her. So now the trick is getting her to show up.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
good day
today was a good day. Both of my patients showed up so that in itself is a good day. I pass off some P.E.'s and got some qualifications completed so that is a great day. I feel like, however, I don't feel like I am detecting the calculus as well as i should. So, I will work on that:)
Monday, October 5, 2009
we need back up here!
K so remember my nice little class IV? yeah, well he decided he wanted to come next tuesday or wednesday instead of today and not tell anyone about it. Yet, when I talked to him last night at 8:00 pm he claimed he woule be here. Then he doesn't show, i call him and he's all "oh yea, I want to come next tuesday or wednesday" well guess what bud, I'm not here those days! Anyways, my sweet little sister-in-law flew out of bed and was here in a half hour bless her little heart:) She was a 1B with light calc. on the lingual of her mand. anteriors but everything went really well. Except i need MORE XRAYS!!! Everyone that has come in so far to this point has already had them. BOOOOO!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oh yeah class IV? BRING IT!!!

So today I found a class IV, yeehaw!!!!!! So....I sit down to get to work, it takes me about an hour to do 1 FREAKING QUAD, yeah, you heard me right, and I was feeling pretty good. I was getting massive amounts of calculus of this dude, there was absolutely NO WAY he could have any left. Or so I thought. And boy did I think wrong. Perry came over to check me and after about 2 seconds said "ok, we're going to go ahead and finish him up later." Uh...what's that suppose to mean? Well let me tell you. THis means I burnished every interproximal's calculus. Nice. I was so sure too. SO now, I need to work on freaking interproximals and what the He*& does burnished calculus feel like anyways? JEAZ GUYS THIS IS FRUSTRATING!!! So I got in a fight with a class IV and he won. We'll see about next time Victor, I'm going to kick you interproximal calculus' trash!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
talk about BAD freaking LUCK!!!

so first day at VA, first pt. pulls a no show. THis was secretly ok with me due to the fact that my pt. was 1. homeless and 2. addicted to meth and cocaine. Those didn't sound like fun for the first pt. back. So, my second pt. is 20 min. late, so I was getting discouraged he wasnt going to show, and to my surprise...he showed!! And its a good thing too cause I was sooooo ready for him and excited to get my clean on, so I got talking to him and to my dismay...he had knee surgery within the last year DID NOT PRE-MED, therefore, I had to send him home. BAD LUCK ISN'T OUT YET. It gets better. So, the next day, I was at the gym pumping some seriouse iron and all of a sudden, my back freezes up, I can't move, I drop to my knees and can't breath. Apparently it was a "muscle spasm" whatever the H that means. So I seek a massage and a trip to the chiropractor and cry myself to sleep. I wake the next day and feel a little better, strap on my back brace, take my Valume, and am on my way to the first real day of clinic where I'll actually see patients! As I 'm pulling into clinic, the pt calls and cancels my morning and afternoon appointment. OK, AM I GETTING PUNKED HERE? WHERE IS ASHTON? THIS IS NOT FUNNY. Kyle ended up coming (nice i had to use my number one back up plan on my first day of clinic) and the clinic found me someone for the afternoon, thanks for that guys. Anywho, it turned out good, I got 8 Quads of a IV, an exam passed off and a P.E. so we'll take it. E for effort.
Monday, August 31, 2009
is summer over already?
Bummer. Here we are again. But you know what? That's ok cause that means we are getting closer and closer to graduation baby yeah!!!! So the first clinic day back was awesome. We didn't need a pt. we just got a peer in our chair and got re-introduced to our units, instruments and the human oral cavity. Speaking of cavity, jen found 5 cavities in my mouth!!!!!!!! I can't remember the last time i had a cavity and i show up with 5? What the H? So gotta get those fixed. We also learned how to sharpen our instruments which went well, so far so good. Let the games begin.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Loops are the bomb
Got another 1B. But I was lucky to even have a pt. in my chair. I scheduled someone 2 weeks ago and left messages to remind her and hadn'd heard back from her so about an hour before I needed a pt. I made some calls and someone was able to come in so it was awesome that i even had someone show up. And can i just tell you all how much i love and adore my loopes? Seriously, once you try them you will wonder why you did without them. They're really like the best investment, my posture has improved a ton and its soooooo cool to actually SEE the calculus! i HIGHLY recommmend them.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Getting wrapped up
So I finished my 1B today and passed off my intra-oral camera so that's basically what I got accomplished today. I am running out of time. I have 1 sealant, a 2 and a 3 left as far as requirements go and 4 more pe's so we are starting to wrap up. I feel good about clinic and class believe it or not i'm just going out of my mind with school!!!!! Every day i wake up and think, am i done yet? You are kidding me i am still doing this non-sense day after freaking day!!!!!!!!!! Burnt out, i have officially HIT THE WALL, so GET ME THE FREAK OUT OF HERE ALREADY, LET SUMMER START!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
1A yay!!!
Finally something other than a 1B!! yippee! And i also got sealants and a pano done so hip hip hooraw. Love those kinds of appointments. i didn't get any P.E.'s done so better luck next time. I'm starting to feel better about the requirements this semester. I need a 2 a 3 and a 1 and one more sealant so i'm getting close.
Sunday, March 22, 2009

So...my last Class II came in and guess what...turns out he's now a class 5, now considered a 1B!!! Fabulouse, can't have too many. Good news is he needed a full mouth, and his xrays were so intersting, around multiple roots, it looked like abcesses, exactly what we see in radiology but the dentist thinks it must be thinning of the bone (my pt. was 74) and my pt. wasn't in any pain so the Doc said not to worry about it, but i kinda am. I want someone else to take a look just to be sure.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
IB :(
Another 1B...got some bitewings and he needs sealants so he will be coming back so that will be good. He had braces and it was my first time working on braces and its pretty intersting to manouver the probe arond those things. I got him cleaned but didn't have time for sealants and he will be coming back and needs 10 sealants so if anyone needs one, let me know.
Monday, March 16, 2009
1 sealant down, 2 to go
Today I saw another 1B SUPRISE, but I was able to get a sealant on her done, my sealant PE and my sharpening PE done so my time wasn't completely wasted. My goal for next time, is to finish all my class II remaining PE's which are specific instrumentation and ultra-sonic on my Class II pt. who is coming next clinic. So he will finish off my cl. II's and I'll have two 1A's and my class III left. So that is my goal, and that is my progress.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
another 1B
I had another 1B, i'm getting really good at these unfortunately because they are all i have these days!!!!!!!!!!!!! My xrays were great, thank goodness, I love conventional more than any other. And I ended up getting him done in 1 appointment so I guess its good to keep seeing them to work on my time but i NEED 1A'S!!!!!! Once again, I was so rushed trying to get him done in 1 visit that I didn't have time to pass off any PE's...Boo:(
Monday, March 2, 2009
Little Bro
So my bro came in and he has been in Africa for 2 years using a stiff bristled brush. He had a little recession and a broken tooth and not very much calculus, in fact it took 20 min. to do his full mouth so considering he hasn't been to a dentist in 2years, he looks really great. He is a clean freak so he has always flossed and mouthwashed on top of brushing so good example that it truly does help. It was a little concerning, I found 4 palpable nodes on him. 2 on his sternocleidomastoid and 2 large ones on the base of his skull on the back of his head so he's going to see a doctor so it;ll be intersting to see what it is, hopefully nothing too concerning. I need to pass off more PE's and TAKE MORE XRAYS!!! I'm starting to get nervouse about those items:(
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Class IA
I had my first mixed dentition patient and it went great. The xrays and cleaning was a breeze (ofcoarse) but I loved teaching her OH. She was so darling and seemed soooo excited to be in my chair, gotta love those pt.'s right? She loved the "surprises" i gave her, floss, TB and tongue scraper which appeared to be her fav but she was sooooooo receptive and eager to learn about her teeth. I gave her a goal to try to floss 2x/week and brush using the Fones method focusing on the gumline, this seemed to be the area she was missing the most and she showed it back to me and totally understood what I taught her, she did it great:) So yeah i love eager little kido's can't wait for another!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mamma Mia
My momma mia was my pt. today and she did great. She has 2 bridges and over half of her teeth have a root canal. When my grandma was prego with her and also her older bro, she took a medication to help with the morning sickness and when she was pregs with her last child, the doc told her not to take it anymore because there has been a negative correlation with the medication and the tooth development of the babies. So my one uncle and mom have bad teeth and my other uncle has great teeth, so, it did show a correlation but is that even possible? That it would even effect the permanent teeth too? Anywho, I got her HHx, xrays and OD done and she'll come back for her cleaning. Hope all is well with everyone else, break is coming up! Sprint to the end!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Class V
So today I did a full mouth scale on my dad who is a Class V who ended up qualifying as a cl. II so that was good, I got all 4 quads done and only missed one tiny spot so that was good. I passed off my second anterior and posterior instrumentation P.E.'s so that felt good to get it all done, including an exam, yay:) And I finished with time to spare so my time is improving so its exciting to start seeing improvement.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thanks little bro
Today my bro Bridger was my pt., he was a class 1B and he has like 8 cavities every time he goes to the dentist, he has beautiful teeth but i think you is a all day soda sipper and so he will be my "sugarbug". His visit went well, I didn't scale yet but took stupid digital bite wings and what the heck is wrong with me? i was taking such good films on the aweful dexters, how come i can't get a descent pic on a person with a perfect mouth? hate them. But i totally get into OHI, i love educating people cause before school, I knew nothing! I hope the world will catch up with us and realize how important oral care is the overall health of our bodies. So bridge got a very thorough OHI and hopefully he will understand how important everything is that I told him.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
if you thought i hated xrays before, now i really hate them
So hubby came back again today, cold sore is gone thank goodness, and I attempted a FMX using the phosher plates. So i was so nervouse about working the computer and the plates so i will blame it on that for now but my xrays sucked. I only retook 4 cause professor snow made the others work, but really katee are you serious? the occlusal plane on every single picture was completely off and my contacts sucked it up BIG time, what the? did i not take an entire semester of learning how to take these idiot things? and i could've sworn that the rin kit was designed that even idiots could get a good film, and even with them i couldn't get a good xray! but congrats to kelsey for only having 1 retake on her full mouth, maybe you could teach me sometime. Anyways, I got the full mouth done in 35 minutes, that could also be the problem I was trying to be so fast (not like 35 min. is fast but I was rushing) deep breaths and quality films is my goal for next time. But the good news is, is kyle is finally done!! After 3 long appointments, i finally got him all scaled! So another goal is to work on my spead on probing, hopefully i can invest in the loops and that will help on time.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
So my husband had a cold sore all weekend and I made sure he caked that sucker with medication day and night and he was even taking oral medication to get rid of it in time for his appointment monday. So, sunday night it looked great, scabbed up and looking good. So he shows up for clinic, I seat him, decide I better have Costley take a look at the cold sore before I get started, and she bared tidings of great joy, it went something like this, "He needs to reschedule"...what? Oh don't you worry, sometime between the time I said good night to him the night before, and the time he arrived at clinic, a new piece of crap cold sore had developed. So, I very calmly, proceeded to bite my cheek to preoccupy myself so I wouldn't burst into tears, walked him out of the clinic, and very casually walked around the corner and started crying. What do I do? No patient? So I call everyone I know and most people wouldn't answer and didn't leave a message, cause lets face it, they needed to be here a HALF HOUR AGO! So I get a hold of my daddio and I'm holding it together and ask him what he has going and he says he has a bunch of meetings, so I start crying and tell him i need a pt. and he cancels all his appointments and makes it by 9:00! HERO OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ended up getting his OD done and OHI and, he turned out to be a class 5!! Nice. He will be back next week to finish up. Hellish day turned good. thanks dad!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Nice and smooth
So today went perfectly. I felt so good about it. My pt. was my sister, who was a class 1B thankfully, and she was so easy to probe, chart and scale. She maybe had 3 areas where I actually needed to scale. So I was able to get her entire appointment done, beginning to end. I really needed this after my husbands appointment last time I was wondering if I even knew what the heck I was doing. Just goes to show each apt. will be different and you will learn new things for each.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Class 2 LR Quad
So my husband was my patient today, I was so happy he came cause I am soooooooooooooo scared to work on a stranger. So before he got there, I was like, maybe I'll have time to scale his whole mouth and take a full mouth radiographs? It was a returning visit so i thought i could do it. Well, i was very mistaken. Let's just say it took me 47 min. to finish ONE QUAD!!!! You heard me right, one quad. I used the ultra sonic so that was fun but awquard. Still need to practice with that. I missed 3 spots subgingivly and 2 spots supra and i actually felt good about that considering how much freaking calculus he had. So, move forward, learn from it and move forward. My goal for his next visit, finish 2 quads!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
welcome back
back to school. break was pure heaven. just not having to study or take tests made the break amazing. so first clinic day felt good. felt good to be back. we learned how to use the ultra sonic scaler and i have been looking forward to using it so it didn't let me down, it was fun. i'm excited to try it on my hubby tomorrow. he's probably not, considering we got to practice it for about ten minutes, but hey, apparently that's all we need. we also learned about all the different gracey's so that was good info, good instruments that make our jobs easier. always nice. am i scared for patient's you ask? hell yes. my goal is to remain calm. consistantly use my oils and calm down.
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