Monday, October 5, 2009

we need back up here!

K so remember my nice little class IV? yeah, well he decided he wanted to come next tuesday or wednesday instead of today and not tell anyone about it. Yet, when I talked to him last night at 8:00 pm he claimed he woule be here. Then he doesn't show, i call him and he's all "oh yea, I want to come next tuesday or wednesday" well guess what bud, I'm not here those days! Anyways, my sweet little sister-in-law flew out of bed and was here in a half hour bless her little heart:) She was a 1B with light calc. on the lingual of her mand. anteriors but everything went really well. Except i need MORE XRAYS!!! Everyone that has come in so far to this point has already had them. BOOOOO!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Don't you love how the patients sometimes just don't get that your schedule counts too!!!?