Monday, September 29, 2008

HE'S HOME!!!!!

Hip hip hooray my hubby is home! Phew, that takes a lot of worry and stress away right there. Today was awesome in Clinic, we are moving along and learning so much. Today we learned how to chart our findings. As everything else, we will need to do it over and over to fully understand so I'm not too worried about not doing it perfect the first time, I felt good about it, felt like I learned and understood, now I just need to do it a couple times to get it exactly right. My goal for next week is to pass of the Extra oral and intra oral P.E.'s, this should be easy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Probe, get it?

So can anybody say FRUSTRATING!? So it's like I know what they want me to do, I GET IT, they tell me over and over, they show me over and over, I know what its suppose to feel like and look like but for some reason i just can't do it! Its our first time so I'll cut myself some slack today but not for long, the col area is whats getting me. Practice makes perfect. I passed off my 2 PE's today, the HHX and the vitals and I could finally hear the systolic! hip hip hooray! So my next goal is to practice probing and get confident with the col area, I should probably take my probe home and practice on whoever will let me in their mouths until Kyle gets home and can be my permanent study buddy, bet he can't wait:)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Open wide! Adapt and roll

This was the key for todays clinic, adapt the working end, walk walk walk and roll. Not too difficult, I really liked it. It just made sense once I was in the mouth and could actually put what I learned to use. I had to keep telling Kelsey to open bigger, she was probably like mouth doesn't get wider than this! Sorry, kels. So I found that when it didn't seem right, it was because my fulcrum was off, so once I figures that out it made sense:) So didn't pass off any P.E.'s today, apparently we didn't plan enough time to pass them off which really puts a damper on my schedule this week, I just wanted to get the Vitals and HHX PE done and out of the way so I could focus on my tests and DH quiz's but no, now I need to continue refreshing my memory and worry about passing them off. Hate to stray from my agenda when every minute of every day is accounted for, could ya tell? So my goal for wed. is to pass them both off.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So take a deep breath, keep breathing. That is my new goal for the week. I am super stressed about all the tests next week, I need to get studying! Once I do, I will feel better about it, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear" good line to keep in mind. Today in clinic was awesome:) I really liked using our instruments, felt like a hygienist. So my goal for Monday is to pass off 2 PE's I need to get going on them. Say ahead.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Ok, trying to put on the brakes and learn what has been taught to me the last couple clinics. I seem to be struggling with vitals(still trying to actually hear with my stethescope), health history (uh...what do I write and where do I put it) intra-oral exam (familiarizing myself with the names of the structures in mouth) and the extra-oral I feel okay about, I just still need to work on remembering everything that needs to be checked. Soooo much to learn, how do I fit it all in? My days are devoted to hygiene and I still can't find enough time to learn it all. Just keep truckin I guess. My goal is to pass off my Vitals P.E. on Wednesday. My family is sick of me taking their blood pressures but hey, that's the price they have to pay for being related to me:) they're great, gotta love em.

p.s. also found out today that I am "tongue tied" a little condition called ankyloglossia

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hair net shmair net

Today in clinic was our first day of actually looking in a mouth! So today was probably my favorite day so far. Except for the fact that I had to wear a hair net and barely passed my post-apt. PE. So my goal for next clinic and from now on, it to have appropriate hair:) It's just hard for me cause I look like a dude when my hair is completely slicked back. So yes, my new goal is to NEVER NEED THE HAIR NET AGAIN! I passed off the chair positioning PE also and that one I feel really confident with. Another goal of mine is to always stay at least one PE ahead of the due dates. That should help me keep my sanity.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sept. 8th 08

Today I passed off my Eagle Soft P.E. so that was nice to get done:) I'm the type that likes to stay ahead because I'm so panicked to fall behind so I am all up to date today, yeehaw. We also practiced taking vital today and wow, struggles once again. I could not hear the heart for the life of me. Poor Pamela, I kept having to do it over and over, her arm was numb, sorry Pamela! She was a good sport, she helped me. So yeah, I came home and did it to my parents and I did very faintly hear it so guess I need to take a trip to the doc and get the ol' ears cleaned out. I really think that would help. My stupid allergies get me all stuffed up so maybe that could be it? Probably not but lets just pretend. So thanks for everyone's help and patience with me today!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Clinic Day 3 I passed off exposure control set-up PE and the personal protective equipment PE. It was good, still learning, can't wait till this all makes sense.