This was the key for todays clinic, adapt the working end, walk walk walk and roll. Not too difficult, I really liked it. It just made sense once I was in the mouth and could actually put what I learned to use. I had to keep telling Kelsey to open bigger, she was probably like uh...my mouth doesn't get wider than this! Sorry, kels. So I found that when it didn't seem right, it was because my fulcrum was off, so once I figures that out it made sense:) So didn't pass off any P.E.'s today, apparently we didn't plan enough time to pass them off which really puts a damper on my schedule this week, I just wanted to get the Vitals and HHX PE done and out of the way so I could focus on my tests and DH quiz's but no, now I need to continue refreshing my memory and worry about passing them off. Hate to stray from my agenda when every minute of every day is accounted for, could ya tell? So my goal for wed. is to pass them both off.
Feel the same way!! You sound like you are grasping everything really well, wish I could say the same for me. Exploring sucks! Good luck this week, you will do great on the exams. I just keep telling myself- I am the Greatest!!!!
we have twinner pictures. ha.
oh yes, and your blog is way cute!
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