Saturday, November 29, 2008
Real Pt. Day
So...Kyle my husband was my patient. It was overall, a good appointment. Except I never want to take digital bitewings ever again. I was having trouble getting the contacts open, I like using my rin kit much better.Charting and probing ended up being quite an ordeal on Kyle. He has had a stainless steel crown on for 8 years!!! You heard me right, 8 YEARS!!! So you can imagine the problems it has caused. Anyways, it was good practice for me on charting and probing. I gave him the super floss and interdental brush for the ridiculouse temporary and he has been very diligent with them, so hopefully we can get him a new crown that will allow the attachment fibers to re-attach. Overall it was a good appointment and I felt pretty good about it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
So I was Kara's pt. and she was awesome! She was so confident and everything went very smooth. She was very prepared and everything was great. I have a weird thing going on in my mouth these days. The central frena above the Max. centrals has been so sore and swollen and it has now migrated to my canines and also #3 and #20 and now I have noticed 2 palpable nodes under my mandible on the right and another one just to the right of my ramus. What the? Yeah so kara suggested I swish with warm salt water so it has been helping. Anyways, great job Kara!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So monday was my mock pt. day but I was so happy to see that Kara Hall was my patient:) I know I can learn a lot from her so I was happy to have her in my chair just in case I needed a few reminders (just a few). But overall, I felt pretty good. I got one quad done and Kara only jumped once during probing! ha sorry about that. However, I felt like I was constantly asking questions. I need to get confident in myself and do what I been taught and everything I have studied so hard about! So that will be my new goal, BE MORE CONFIDENT!
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yee Haw it's almost time for a BREAK!!!! Wow it's funny how excited I am about it. One semester down, I was getting worried there that I wasn't going to make it through but here I am still truckin along:) So, clinic was good, we mostly just passed off our P.E.'s which went very well. Clinic is so fun, and can i just say how much I love my class? Seriously, everyone is so cool everyone just makes it so fun, I really do love school it just kicks my butt sometimes. So I'm getting stoked about having patient day!! Fun fun
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So I feel so official now that we learned how to do sealants. They were easier than I thought. We also learned how to use the air-powder polisher. I think I will appreciate that more when I get some more pt.'s with some more stain. I passed off some P.E's and have 3 for wednesday so wish me luck with that.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
First Official appointment
So today I worked on Mindy and she was a great patient, thanks Mindy! I felt good about everything except for probing the linguals!!! Gosh, I thought I had a hang on them but apparetly not, she kept saying ouch so thats not good:( But I did well on scaling, I only missed two small places so I felt good about that and it was an overall good experience so I'm glad we were able to do this before jumping in with a real pt. I aslo passed off universal and polishing P.E's and the light is now being seen at the end of the tunnel. Some nights I just DREAD studying! It is getting harder to do it these days, 4 and a half more weeks till break!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sit back and relax...well kinda

So monday I was Katie Gibbons patient and she did sooooo good! I was so proud of her, she finished the entire appointment:) It was awesome to see that we actually know what we are doing and peicing all of our P.E.'s together to make an actual appointment! For wednesday my goal is to complete the entire appointment and try to do it all from memorization withouth having to look at anything. I know what I am doing I just need some confidence. And I also have to pass of my universal and polishing P.E.'s so that should be easy.
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